My Story

When I first tried to think of a name for my little crochet business, I had no idea of the amazing journey I would be swept into. I sat on a stool next to my kitchen counter, thinking. How could I possibly reduce my inspiration to one small phrase? How could I possibly name all the creativity within me?

And even more than that—what was my story? What did I want to share with people?

Let me tell you, I contemplated those questions for a long time. There was simply no easy answer!

What I did know was the passion that had been stirring in my heart for as long as I could remember. 

Since I was very young, I have always loved making things with my hands. Whether a picture for my mom, or a craft for my brother, I loved doing creative things.  I must have been six or seven when my Great Grandmother gave us a huge bag of yarn she was getting rid of. I remember looking at it in wonder, wishing I knew how to make things like she did. However, I didn’t say anything, and we ended up giving most of the yarn to my cousins.

Later on, at about nine years old, my Grandma offered to teach me to crochet. I was thrilled. I remember going to Michaels and having my very first experience in the yarn aisle. I looked in awe at the vast array of colors, wondering how in the world I could ever choose just one!

That wonder and excitement is with still with me now.

And ultimately, it was that wonder and excitement that helped me discover my true story. Not only what it was then, but also what was becoming. That wonder, that passion, is what continues to drive me forward today.

So what is my story? Desert Blossom Crafts. How did I finally come up with that name?

Simple answer: I am inspired by my home, and by nature. I am also inspired by the love and care it takes to make something with your hands. My business name stems from my inspiration.

My home is in the desert. Not everyone’s dream location, but I love it. One of my favorite things about the desert are the wildflowers that scatter over the hillsides every Spring. These are things will never cease to inspire me, not only to create, but also to design new and beautiful things for you to create!

So where does this leave us? I’ve told you that am passionate about crocheting. But even more than that, I am passionate about helping you find YOUR inner creativity. No matter where you are in your crochet journey, I am here for you.

You now know my story. I would love to hear your story. Please, send me a message; I would love to get to know you! No matter if your story is just beginning, or is at its climax—I would love to hear it. We are in this together. We are fellow makers. And above all, we have the ability to inspire one another even as we are inspired ourselves.