How to Crochet the Swirl Stitch—Free Crochet Pattern

Second stitch for June…the Swirl Stitch!

how to crochet the swirl stitch—free crochet pattern

Ok, so if you’ve been following my Stitch Along, then you know that the stitch I released last week was the Twisted Stitch.

This week’s stitch is a variation of that! While the twisted stitch required you to work behind a stitch, the Swirl stitch will have you work in FRONT. More explanation will come with the tutorial, don’t worry! 😉

If you haven’t joined my Stitch Along yet, it’s not too late! The great thing about this is that you can jump in at any time. Be sure to join the Stitch Along community in my Facebook group HERE.

how to crochet the swirl stitch—free crochet pattern

You can also view the master list of stitches that have been released so far by clicking HERE! There are definitely some more cool ones you will want to check out.

Last thing before we get started on this stitch: I created a bundle of 4 stitch patterns on Etsy which can be found here. Included is the Twisted Stitch, plus 3 OTHER lace stitch patterns (all of the ones that will be released in June!) The stitches are written out for easy printing. Find this bundle HERE!

How to Crochet the Swirl Stitch

  • To Pin this Tutorial to your Pinterest Boards, click HERE
  • To get the PDF version of this pattern (+3 bonus stitch patterns!) click HERE
  • To pre-order the ENTIRE Desert Blossom Stitch Dictionary, click HERE


  • Stitch pattern is multiple of 3
  • Ch 3 at beginning of rows count as dc


You can potentially use any yarn and hook for this stitch. However, here is what I used:


1/ Angelica Cardigan2/ Raised V-Stitch3/ Twilight Beanie

how to crochet the swirl stitch—free crochet pattern


Fsc a multiple of 3+2 (to start with a chain stitch, you will need a multiple of 3, and then a row of single crochet).

Row 1: Ch 3 (counts as dc, here and throughout) dc in next fsc. Sk next fsc, dc in next fsc. Working around front of same dc, dc in skipped stitch. *Ch 1, sk 2 fsc, dc in next fsc. Working around front of same dc, dc in skipped fsc. Rep from * until 2 fsc left. Dc in last 2 fsc. Turn.

Row 2: Ch 1 (does NOT count as sc) sc in first st.Sc in next 3 dc. *Sc in next ch sp, sc in next 2 dc. Rep from * until 2 dc left. Sc in last 2 dc. Turn.

how to crochet the swirl stitch—free crochet pattern
Ch 3, dc in next dc. Sk next sc, dc in next sc.
how to crochet the swirl stitch—free crochet pattern
Hook shows where you will insert hook into next
how to crochet the swirl stitch—free crochet pattern
Work dc around FRONT of stitch
how to crochet the swirl stitch—free crochet pattern
Front twisted stitch done!

Like this pattern so far? Be sure to check out the printer-friendly version (plus 3 BONUS stitch patterns—see picture below!)

Click HERE for more information!

how to crochet the swirl stitch—free crochet pattern
Ch 1, sk 2 sc, dc in next sc.
how to crochet the swirl stitch—free crochet pattern
Repeat twist!

Row 3: Ch 3, dc in next sc. Sk next sc, dc in next sc. Working in front of dc just made, dc in skipped stitch. *Ch 1, sk 2 sc, dc in next sc. Working in front of dc just made, dc in skipped st. Rep from * until 2 sc left. Dc in last 2 sc. Turn.

how to crochet the swirl stitch—free crochet pattern
Close up of Row 3

Row 4: Rep row 2.

Rep rows 3-4 for stitch pattern!  

I hope you have enjoyed learning this fun stitch pattern.

If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


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Happy Crocheting!

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