12 Days of Christmas in July – Ornament Crochet-Along!

Want to get ahead on your Christmas crocheting? I would invite you to join a fun Christmas in July crochet-along where we will be making a whole lot of Christmas ornaments!

As a planner, there’s just something about Christmas in July that I love.

It’s literally an excuse to plan 5 months ahead of time! 😂

So awhile ago, I was thinking about this and how the timing seemed perfect to do another crochet-along (you guys know how much I love CALs!)

So, without further ado, let me introduce the 12 Days of Christmas Ornaments CAL!

12 Days of Christmas in July

This July, I would invite you to join me in making 12 crochet Christmas ornaments in a fun group setting! There are lots of unique patterns (9 of which are completely BRAND NEW) and you’ll get ahead on your Christmas crochet in the process!

What is a Crochet-Along?

Now, in case you’re new around here, let’s talk about crochet-alongs. What are they anyway?

The first thing you need to know is that there are various types of crochet alongs (aka CALs). Some are free, while others may have you pay an entrance fee to participate.

At any rate, everyone who joins works together to make either 1 pattern that is released in parts, or several patterns that are released in a group.

How This CAL will Work

As far as THIS crochet-along goes, here’s how it will work:

First of all, it is FREE to join! Yay! No entrance fees. There will be optional things you can buy in the process, but this is up to you.

Second of all, we are not making just 1 pattern but a total of 12! If that seems like a lot to you, don’t worry. This CAL is relaxed, and if you don’t think you’ll have time to make all 12, that is totally fine. You can work at your own pace if you need to.

Help more people find out about the CAL by pinning it to your Pinterest Boards!

We’re Making Ornaments!

Are you ready to see exactly what we’ll be making? Let’s have a drumroll please…

Here are 9 of the 12 ornaments we’ll be making!

That’s right…we have everything from trees, to snowmen, to poinsettias…along with cute mini hats and scarves and classic red trucks!

I’ve worked really hard to get all these patterns ready, so I hope you love them as much as I do!

Join Now!

If you are ready to join the CAL, woohoo! I am beyond excited and would love to have you. To get started, sign up using the form below:


Signing up via the form above is the first and most important step in order to join! This will ensure you will get an email each day a new ornament is released, so you don’t miss any!

Once you’ve done that, there are a few more steps you should take to join:

  1. Second, join my Facebook group right here. This is where the community aspect will take place – where we can post pictures of our projects and encourage each other!
  2. Third, follow me on Instagram and post pictures of your ornaments as you go to show you’re participating! (This is optional, but I would LOVE it if you posted!)
  3. Fourth, check out the schedule and decide how you will participate below. There is just a bit more info you want to make sure you have!

The Schedule

Ornaments will be released every day except Sunday starting on July 16th and running until July 29th. 12 ornaments total but 14 days! Sunday is my day of rest, so I will not be posting new ornaments then. But I figured this would give everyone a chance to catch up if they missed a day!

I will add a link to each ornament below when they release, so make sure to bookmark this page and check back on the 16th!

  1. July 16 – Tree Ornament
  2. July 17 – Snowflake Ornament
  3. July 18 – Rest Day (Sunday)
  4. July 19 – Wreath Ornament
  5. July 20 – Red Truck Ornament
  6. July 21 – Poinsettia Ornament
  7. July 22 – Mittens Ornament
  8. July 23 – Hat Ornament
  9. July 24 – Scarf Ornament
  10. July 25 – Rest Day (Sunday)
  11. July 26 – Snowman Ornament
  12. July 27 – Angel Ornament
  13. July 28 – Star Ornament
  14. July 29 – Ball Ornament

Time Zones and all that good stuff

To get even MORE specific, let’s talk times and timezones!

Each pattern will be released at 7am Pacific Standard Time on its release day. Let me say it again…7 AM, PST. This is the time when you can check back at this post for the new pattern!

Decide How You Will Participate

Now that you’ve seen most of the ornaments, it’s time for you to make a decision. See, there are 2 ways you can participate in this CAL:

  1. You can see each ornament as it is released, go to the blog post of the day, and get the pattern for free. If you choose this, you will have to wait to get all of the patterns until they release.
  2. OR, you can get instant access to all 12 ornament patterns by buying the Crochet Ornament and Gifting Pack! If you choose this, you will have all 12 patterns from the very beginning…and you will also get access to 2 awesome bonuses that will not be available for free.

See the Ornaments in Action

Want to see all the ornaments up close in video form? I introduced them all in a video toward the beginning of the CAL. Watch the video here or below!

I think that’s it for now…

But I sincerely hope to see you in the CAL! Look out for the first ornament on July 16th!


Happy Crocheting,

Rachel 🙂

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    1. I’m sorry Bobbie! This was the one thing that slipped through the cracks this weekend. I’ve added the links now! You can always go to my homepage, http://www.desertblossomcrafts.com, and scroll to the bottom to see if there is anything new (just a tip for next time!)

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